Chapter 49: Say Aah
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Liu Ji never thought that he would one day have the experience of gnawing on marble.

When Myza placed a piece of pristine white marble near Liu Ji's mouth after his transformation into a burrowrat, Liu Ji's initial reaction was to reject it.

However, probably due to his new form, while Liu Ji's mind resisted, his new body acted on its own.

A burrowrat's vision was very poor, and Liu Ji could barely see what was in front of him. However, his now keen sense of smell kept signaling—There's rock in front of you! Go for it! Hurry up and go for it!

After much hesitation, Liu Ji opened his mouth wide and took a bite as he was curious to test his abilities too.

Hmm… Why does rock have no taste?

Oh, wait.

It wasn't that rock is tasteless, but rather, his tongue couldn't taste anything.

It made sense; an animal that constantly ate rock debris wouldn't benefit from having developed taste buds—it would just be torture.

Thus, Liu Ji chewed on the marble like it was flavorless ice, crunching it into little bits and swallowing the fragments.

Then, after a few seconds, a completely new and different sensation from anything he'd felt before came over him.

Perhaps… he could really turn into a rock.

Having swallowed the last bit of the stone chunk, Liu Ji took a deep breath, stepped back a couple of paces, and focused on the strange impulse within him.

Then, as Myza watched on in astonishment, Liu Ji transformed into a crystal-clear jade stone.

However, it only lasted for a second. Liu Ji abruptly returned to human form, sitting on the ground in a daze, which he seemed unable to snap out from.

"Eh? What's with you? Are you okay?" Myza shook him.

"N-no, I'm fine. Phew, I'm fine now," Liu Ji murmured. "Just that for a moment, I couldn't feel anything. I couldn't feel my body, had no sensations, unable to think. It felt like… I was dead."

"Mm, makes sense. A stone isn't alive after all," Myza muttered, stroking his chin. "Seems like you should avoid transforming into inanimate objects. You looked like a priceless gem when in stone form,

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