Chapter 39: Let Me Out! I Don't Want To Be A Potato!
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 39: Let Me Out! I Don't Want To Be A Potato!

Liu Ji was panicking.

He wasn't just panicking; he was extremely panicked, beyond measure.

Ever since he had turned into a potato due to some inexplicable, strong instinct, he found that he couldn't change back.

He had never felt like this before. Even during those many years as a potato which he lost count of, he always felt that he could turn back into a human with just a thought.

But now, it was like the chains of a bicycle he was riding had come off. No matter how hard he tried to change back, nothing happened.

He couldn't help fear that he might be stuck as a potato for the rest of his life.

That's right, fear.

Long ago, he had imagined this sort of life and still thought that it was rather acceptable. But now, as he thought about being unable to change back, he felt only the fear of immeasurable loneliness.

He didn't want this. He wanted to continue learning magic from Yaine. He hadn't even had a proper conversation with this little teacher who always had a sad expression.

Also the smiling fluffy big cat, whose name Liu Ji still didn't know yet.

And there was the swordsman; Liu Ji hadn't yet told him that eating raw meat was harmful to his health.

Liu Ji also recalled the time he was inexplicably praised by everyone; he wanted to know why he received such praise because only then could he genuinely enjoy the feeling of being admired without feeling like a fraud.

The thought that he might never have these opportunities again and could only live as a lonely potato for the rest of his life magnified his inner fear exponentially.

He struggled, constantly trying to turn back into a human, but no matter how hard he tried, he remained an unmoving potato.




Perhaps there was a breeze from somewhere, and the leaves of the potato shoot rustled softly.

"So, when you found him, he was an unusually large potato?" Myza stroked his chin, looking at the potato plant in Yaine's hand from different angles. "He did mention this to me, but I thought he was just making it up to keep me at a distance. I didn’t expe

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