Chapter 100: If the Children Can Fight, It Wouldn't Be Unreasonable for Them to Carry a Knife, Right?
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The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin Chapter 100: If the Children Can Fight, It Wouldn't Be Unreasonable for Them to Carry a Knife, Right? (Teaser)

The hunters were panicking.

Every hunter who came to Mir knew the terrifying tale of the beast tide that once ravaged this place. But that event, which happened nearly a century ago, had become nothing more than a distant legend. None believed it was something they'd ever have to face in their lifetime.

Thus, when hearing that a second beast tide was around the corner, chaos erupted.

The hall was filled with noise as hunters debated their next steps. Some wanted to flee with their families. Others discussed how to evacuate the city's population. There were even talks of seeking aid from other regions.

Yet, not a single soul suggested standing up and fighting against the beast tide.

Master Luo felt a sense of déjà vu watching the scene unfold. Back when he and the old guild master were still carefree children, the Hunter's Guild had been in the same state of panic the day the disaster struck.

The heroes who made their legendary last stand all those years ago hadn't intended to be heroes. Heroes are simply those who, when left with no