Book 08 Chapter 112: The Purpose of the United Rule Meet
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Everlasting Immortal Firmament Book 08 Chapter 112: The Purpose of the United Rule Meet

Boom! Boom!

Above the blessings cloud sea in the nether realm’s East Spiritual Fire Sea, two loud explosions rang out. Zhu Erer’s and Zhu Liuliu’s incarnations collapsed with deafening reports. The entire East Spiritual Fire Sea was suddenly stunned.

“No, Second Elder Brother, Sixth…!”

Mournful cries echoed in the East Spiritual Fire Sea.

The remaining four Vermilion Bird Primes glared at the blessings cloud sea with anger.

“Who dares to kill Second Elder Brother and Sixth Younger Brother?”

“I will kill them!”

“It must be at the land of the living’s Myriad Age Daoist Sect. I will go and see who dares to harm my brothers!”

The angry Vermilion Bird Primes were in an uproar.

“Stop!” A commanding voice rang out.

“Eldest Brother, what’s going on?”

“Stay right here! None of you are allowed to go!” Zhu Yiyi said coldly.

“But what about avenging Sixth Younger Brother and Second Elder Brother?”

“Second Younger Brother and Sixth Younger Brother died only a short time apart, which means they had no chance to resist. Are you going to march to your death? Dying is one thing, but what about our master’s orders?” Zhu Yiyi countered sternly.


“Remember this: our master’s abilities are such that even if you die, he can bring you back to life and then subject you to endless torment, where you’ll beg for life but not find it, and wish for death, but it won’t come!” Zhu Yiyi said coldly.


“All of you stay here obediently. Investigate the situation carefully. Even if Second Younger Brother, Sixth Younger Brother, and Seventh Younger Sister are dead, so what? As long as our master returns, he can save them, even if he has to reverse time and space!” Zhu Yiyi said sternly.


“No buts. This revenge must be exacted, but not now. Stay here and gather information about the world slowly!” Zhu Yiyi said coldly.

“Yes!” His three younger brothers nodded reluctantly.


The Myriad Age Daoist Sect, the land of the living:


A breeze blew, and Zhu Erer’s remains, destroyed by the Divinity Destroying Light, scattered.


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