Book 08 Chapter 096: Nirvana Core
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Everlasting Immortal Firmament Book 08 Chapter 096: Nirvana Core

The massive eight-trigram ritual array connected to the world, sealing Zhu Qiqi.

Although Zhu Qiqi was the Vermilion Bird Prime, possessing immense strength, it could not resist the control of the Vermilion Bird Deity, especially considering that Jiang Lianshan had prepared this ritual array for it over eight hundred thousand years.

Zhu Qiqi had broken her word, and Jiang Lianshan revealed his sinister intentions.

Although Zhu Qiqi had some means at its disposal, it failed to use them in time, rendering them useless. Jiang Lianshan did not give it a chance; with a wave of his hand, the massive eight-trigram ritual array shuddered, and Zhu Qiqi felt its Vermilion Bird Deity about to be torn apart.

Under the tremendous pressure, the humiliated Zhu Qiqi reluctantly spat out a flaming nirvana core.

When the nirvana core emerged and hovered in the air, the surrounding space trembled as if this nirvana core did not quite belong there.

The nirvana core contained Zhu Qiqi’s vast energy. The instant it expelled the nirvana core, it suddenly withered as though it had expelled its vitality along with the nirvana core.

“A nirvana core? Hahaha! It’s really a nirvana core!” Jiang Lianshan’s eyes lit up with excitement.

By swallowing the nirvana core, he could achieve nirvanic rebirth, no longer confined to this fire deity body, and reconstruct a set of three spiritual souls and seven physical souls, reshaping his physical body.

“I’ve given you the nirvana core; now release me!” Zhu Qiqi demanded, its tone seething with resentment.

However, Jiang Lianshan paid no heed. Instead, he kept his eyes locked on the nirvana core as he reached out to grab it.

But just then, Yinggou’s eyes suddenly gleamed. Without hesitation, she pounced.

Jiang Lianshan’s face tensed. “Yinggou, what are you doing?”

“I’m helping you grab it!” Yinggou rushed forward without looking back.

Yinggou’s almost frantic behavior made Jiang Lianshan deeply uneasy.

“How dare you try to snatch my things?!” Jiang Lianshan’s expression changed as he instantly rushed ove

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