Chapter 172: Spectator Forces
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 172: Spectator Forces

Hal Maxwell lived the life of a wealthy industrial magnate's son in the northern city of the Kenyan Empire until he was 16, while Tuttle Joe had been the promising heir of a middle-class family in Kargas, the capital of the Rhine Kingdom, before the age of 25. Both had seen the world and possessed a broader perspective than the average person who might marvel at the novelty of instant noodles.

When Yang deceived them into the depths of the Taranthan wilderness, unlike Finley, who had never known luxury, neither Hal nor Tuttle considered the supplies Yang provided as anything extraordinary.

Whether it was instant noodles made from refined flour or sealed packages of toast, loose cakes, starch sausages, or assorted snacks, none of it was beyond their understanding, except perhaps for the generous (or rather, excessive) use of industrial seasonings.

In any case, to Hal and Tuttle, the supplies Yang provided indicated his intention to win their loyalty but weren't enough to secure their undying devotion. After all, both had experienced superior material comforts in the cities of the Kenyan Empire and the Rhine Kingdom, and what Yang offered did not surpass all that.

This "arrogant" mentality of theirs only received a slap in the face when they were sent on a mission in Indahl city.

The three former bandits were on a wanted list and couldn't afford to freely indulge in luxury in a foreign city like Indahl. Moreover, with their limited funds, they could only linger in the taverns, inns, and free markets of Saint Joseph Street and had the opportunity to reacquaint themselves with the living conditions of the common folk in this world.

The lower-class folk of this world couldn't enjoy the dubious privilege of being overwhelmed by industrial food products. The lower class didn't have much financial strength and couldn't sustain the massive market needed to support industrial food giants like those in America. Therefore, no monopoly could arise to dominate the citizens' diets with ultra-low-cost junk food.

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin