Chapter 125: Welcome Ceremony
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Conquering OtherWorld Starts With a Game Chapter 125: Welcome Ceremony

Back when Exile Town had only three hundred players, the few NPCs led by Hal were already overwhelmed.

Yang Qiu, foreseeing the potential chaos of a lack of "advanced NPCs" given the influx of three thousand new players, had taken proactive measures and arranged for the more capable members of the Sea Lions mercenary group to be stationed in Exile Town.

The Wanderer and Warrior Guilds were both given an injection of over a dozen new "instructor" NPCs. Some were assigned to issue quests, while others were tasked with overseeing the construction sites.

Various workshops in the Life Alley, the daily quest points managed by zombies, and the Undead Merchant Association canteen also welcomed new "advanced NPCs" that possessed combat abilities. Their primary role was to curb the mischief of new players, such as attempts to attack civilian NPCs, steal items or quest tools from workshops, or try to rob the canteen.

Yang Qiu understood all too well the dichotomy of order and chaos inherent in Chinese players. Despite numerous cautionary posts on the forums by the initial three hundred players, the new influx of three thousand was bound to create trouble.

This preparation was not in vain. From 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., Earth time, the nine hundred or so new players in the imprint matrix behaved reasonably well, avoiding the chaotic situation that nearly drove the usually amiable Rex insane during the public beta.

However, after noon, when the in-game time turned to late night and NPCs other than zombies "clocked out" for sleep and ceased issuing quests, Exile Town began to buzz with activity.

Frustrated, a group of newly logged-in players headed straight for the Wanderer Guild, only to find its doors firmly shut. With no active NPCs on the construction sites or in the plaza, they were unable to receive any quests, leading to an immediate outburst of complaints.

Nearby, a veteran player working on the construction site couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of these bewildered newcomers.

"Didn't you guys read Ou Huang's guid

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Novel Notes

Special thanks to Tetra editing
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I'm Really Not The Demon God's Lackey
The Hero Turned Into A Potato And The World Fell To Ruin