Chapter 3838: Entering the Skyscraping World
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3838: Entering the Skyscraping World (Teaser)

As the sword intent that erupted from the Skyscraping Sword Scripture became more and more powerful and terrifying, the dazzling light turned the surroundings snowy-white, seemingly trying to blind everyone. It made many cultivators beneath Immortal Exalt close their eyes uncontrollably.

Apart from the Illusion-condensing Swordmaster in the region near the Skyscraping Sword Scripture, all of the Immortal Exalts had backed far away. Under the impact of the extremely powerful sword intent, even some Fourth Heavenly Layer Immortal Exalts struggled to stay put.

Meanwhile, the Illusion-condensing Swordmaster was like an unshakable mountain. No matter how vicious the storm of sword intent was, he did not budge. He gave off an indomitable feeling as if he could hold up the skies with his powers alone.

“When the pages of the Skyscraping Sword Scripture are assembled, the sword intent that erupts is so powerful that it’s completely beyond anything that regular Immortal Exalts can withstand. When the Skyscraping World opened up in the past few