Chapter 3789: The Space-purging Ancestor
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3789: The Space-purging Ancestor

The man was also dressed in white robes. He did not seem particularly old, roughly in his early twenties. He possessed a handsome and striking appearance, with an extraordinary presence.

However, his eyes were filled with a sense of sombre that conflicted with his appearance.

The young man was one of the three ancestors of the Daoist Sect of Heavenly Embodiment, the Space-purging Ancestor.

He was a Fourth Heavenly Layer Immortal Exalt!

“I never expected this. When I lent the Heaven-locking Chains to the Void-perceiving Ancestor, I originally thought he would destroy the Immortal Rising City with the Wukun Master, yet he’s met a bad end instead and my Heaven-locking Chains have ended up in the hands of another person,” the Space-purging Ancestor said sternly. His face was rather sunken. “However, my Heaven-locking Chains aren’t that easy to just take for yourself.”

“Senior brother Space-purging, if it were you instead, how long would it take for you to kill the Void-perceiving Ancestor and the Wukun Master alone?” the Flying Leaf Ancestor suddenly asked.

“I grasp the Way of Space. Before me, the two of them have no chance to escape. As for how long it’ll take before I kill the two of them, there are too many factors to consider, so I can’t give an exact time,” the Space-purging Ancestor said in thought.

“But according to the report made by Xia Zhilai and the others following their investigation, the Void-perceiving Ancestor and the Wukun Master both suddenly vanished in just a few minutes,” the Flying Leaf Ancestor said.

“Even you are saying that they’ve only vanished. Since their corpses aren’t around, they might not have perished. There’s also the possibility that they’re trapped somewhere or are inside some kind of powerful treasure.” The Space-purging Ancestor’s eyes shimmered coldly. He said confidently, “However, those methods may be enough to trap the Void-perceiving Ancestor and the Wukun Master, but they definitely can’t trap me.”

“But regardless, there is something that we can be certain about. Th

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Recent update from author (Feb 14): Recently, the author has been going through a busy period of rushing around, so the releases will be very slow. The author expresses his deep apology for this. Once this period passes, he will revive the release rate. Thank you for understanding.
For the sake of convenience, I've included the corresponding cultivation realms between Saints' World and Immortals' World.
Deity Golden Immortal
God Daluo Golden Immortal
Overgod Xuan Immortal
Godking Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal
Infinite Prime Immortal Monarch
Chaotic Prime Immortal Emperor
Grand Prime Immortal Exalt
Grand Exalt Grand Exalt