Chapter 3780: Breaking the Rules
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3780: Breaking the Rules

“Who am I?” Jian Chen smiled slightly in response. He stared straight at Xishan Yanlie and said, “Didn’t you hear my disciple refer to me as her master? You’re an impressive Fifth Heavenly Layer Immortal Monarch, yet your ears don’t work?”

Jian Chen’s words were no different from a bombshell to Xishan Yanlie. Jian Chen had managed to tell he was an Immortal Monarch and accurately determine his exact cultivation with a single glance. Meanwhile, he was unable to see through Jian Chen’s strength at all.

On top of that, when Jian Chen appeared, the secret technique Xishan Yanlie had used dispersed silently. Clearly, the person before him had a cultivation far beyond his own.

This person is a Seventh Heavenly Layer Immortal Monarch at the very least!” Xishan Yanlie guessed.

However, late Immortal Monarchs were only enough to strike fear into him. They were still nothing to the Xishan clan behind him.

“Fellow, I am a great elder of the Xishan clan after all. It’s quite disrespectful of you to talk to me like that,” Xishan Yanlie said sternly.

“You were even ready to take my disciple away by force. Why would I show you any respect?” Jian Chen snorted coldly and added, “Besides, who do you think you are? Am I supposed to show you any respect in the first place?”

Jing Feng became all jittery behind Jian Chen when he heard all this, seemingly afraid of matters developing out of hand.

After all, this was one of the three great cities of the Hall Brilliance Heaven, the Immortal Rising City. The Falling Cloud City came nowhere close in comparison.

Jian Chen’s words made Xishan Yanlie’s face darken out of anger. His gaze immediately became sunken.

“Sir, this is the Immortal Rising City. Regardless of who you are or where you come from, it’s best if you act with some self-restraint. The consequences of stirring up trouble in our Immortal Rising City is not simply severe. If you don’t believe me, you’re welcome to ask around about the fates of the Void-perceiving Ancestor and the Wukun Master,” Xue Feng suddenly spoke u

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The release rate is dependent on the author's release rate with the raws. If the author releases a chapter in the raws, then the translations will also release a chapter within 24 hours (capped to one chapter a day). If you want to know if there are any chapters coming, just ask in the discord server.
Recent update from author (Feb 14): Recently, the author has been going through a busy period of rushing around, so the releases will be very slow. The author expresses his deep apology for this. Once this period passes, he will revive the release rate. Thank you for understanding.
For the sake of convenience, I've included the corresponding cultivation realms between Saints' World and Immortals' World.
Deity Golden Immortal
God Daluo Golden Immortal
Overgod Xuan Immortal
Godking Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal
Infinite Prime Immortal Monarch
Chaotic Prime Immortal Emperor
Grand Prime Immortal Exalt
Grand Exalt Grand Exalt