Chapter 3766: Ambushing Immortal Exalts
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Chaotic Sword God Chapter 3766: Ambushing Immortal Exalts

Immortal Exalt Tan Yu emerged from the city lord’s estate personally. His appearance immediately stunned the patrolling soldiers in the estate. Their eyes were filled with emotion and admiration.

As an Immortal Exalt, although Immortal Exalt Tan Yu was technically the city lord, he had stopped bothering himself with the daily affairs a long time ago. Normally, he rarely even showed himself. Only an extremely small number of people had seen him before.

Very soon, Immortal Exalt Tan Yu appeared at the entrance of the city lord’s estate with vice city lord He Luo, personally inviting Jian Chen into the estate under the shocked gazes of the guards on the side.

“Fellow Yang Yutian, may I ask when we will set out?” Immortal Exalt Tan Yu asked in a hurry as soon as they entered the majestic hall.

“Any time will do, but please draw them to the wilderness ten million kilometres to the south-east. My people are already waiting. You can leave the rest up to me,” Jian Chen said easily as if the ancestor of the Void-perceiving sect and the Wukun Master were of no concern whatsoever.

“Alright. I’ll completely rely on you for what happens next. If you really can help us resolve this problem, then our Immortal Rising City will never forget about your great kindness. If you are ever in need, our Immortal Rising City will do everything we can to assist you,” Immortal Exalt Tan Yu said firmly.

Outside the protective formation, the Void-perceiving Ancestor and the Wukun Master sat in the middle of the air. They conversed with one another as they controlled their god artifacts and attacked the protective formation below.

They were discussing the plan to prevent Immortal Exalt Tan Yu from fleeing and killing him in one fell stroke.

“Immortal Exalt Tan Yu is already heavily injured. In his current state, if we use our full strength, we can kill him within twenty moves,” the Wukun Master said without much concern. He grasped the Laws of the Sword, so his attacks were swift and powerful. He did not have any ancient legacies, but on

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Novel Notes

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The release rate is dependent on the author's release rate with the raws. If the author releases a chapter in the raws, then the translations will also release a chapter within 24 hours (capped to one chapter a day). If you want to know if there are any chapters coming, just ask in the discord server.
Recent update from author (Feb 14): Recently, the author has been going through a busy period of rushing around, so the releases will be very slow. The author expresses his deep apology for this. Once this period passes, he will revive the release rate. Thank you for understanding.
For the sake of convenience, I've included the corresponding cultivation realms between Saints' World and Immortals' World.
Deity Golden Immortal
God Daluo Golden Immortal
Overgod Xuan Immortal
Godking Nine-heavenly Xuan Immortal
Infinite Prime Immortal Monarch
Chaotic Prime Immortal Emperor
Grand Prime Immortal Exalt
Grand Exalt Grand Exalt