Chapter 4 - Dinner Appointment
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 4 - Dinner Appointment

Walking through town, Hui Yue wondered if Saints were laying in wait ready to attack him when they reached their destination. The young man had to admit that he had become extra paranoid when he was told that the City Lord likely was aware of his part in the war. By his side, Cai Jie seemed to be highly amused with the many times Hui Yue turned his head or looked to their sides.

“Calm down,” he said with laughter in his voice. “Although we are on our way to see the City Lord, and yes, he might know about your role, he should be grateful that you did not go to the Taiyang Kingdom and instead decided on the Siban Empire. Although they all were in an alliance together, they haven’t been on friendly terms for years now. If anything I swear that the City Lord will be grateful to you.” Hui Yue looked at him with skepticisim but said no more despite the fact that he stopped looking behind himself all the time.

‘The guy is a lot smarter than you,’ Lan Feng commented with a sigh. ‘I would not have minded sharing a body with him instead.’

‘Well sorry for not being as smart,’ Hui Yue answered with a sour expression on his face. ‘I am trying to learn, okay?’

‘I know,’ Lan Feng said his voice slightly apologetic. ‘I am eager to regain my body as soon as possible, but you are right. We need to take our time and learn instead of rushing through things. Sorry.’

Hui Yue could not blame the phoenix inside of him. He, too, wished for the bird to get his body back, but he was also painfully aware that he could not fight the legendary An He as things stood now. He could only manage a few Saints. Someone as powerful as Wan Qiao or the Frozen General was far from his league. Thinking about Wan Qiao, Hui Yue remembered Li Xiaopeng, and he gripped his hands. He was still a far cry from the strongest Saints, and even these Saints said that they could not hold a candle to An He. If they had no chance, then how could he?

While Hui Yue was deep in thought, Cai Jie had been whistling a happy tune and looking around, clearly enjoying himself. In

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