Chapter 92 - Golden Eyes
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 92 - Golden Eyes

Hui Yue slept through the night with no dreams and no rough awakenings. He managed to sleep until the sun rose, and as he awoke, he was greeted by the strong scent of burned flesh. Looking around, he saw that many beasts were waking up at the same time as himself. He smiled wryly as he felt his back aching from lying in the same position for so many hours. He was usually not one to sleep during the night but usually cultivated, though last night’s sleep was a welcome respite. He smiled as he saw a stiff Lady Sun rise with the same back problems as himself. He felt that today was a new day, a fresh day. He was certain that things would be better than they had been the previous day.

The Emperor had been chained to a tree where he was still awaiting his fate. Hui Yue was not certain what to do with him. He knew that they had to kill him and display his body somewhere, but he felt it was beneath the dignity of any ruler to have their bodies displayed. But, none of his beastly friends had any interest in the dignity of a ruler. They only cared about territory, and the strongest was the one who survived. That was the rule of the forest and also the rule which they would follow here. This was their new land after all.

Looking at the Emperor once more, Hui Yue understood that they had to kill him. Leaving him alive when he was doomed to die was not proper, so Hui Yue headed towards him. His body changed forms into a wolf-man, the body he was the strongest in.

“Are you here to kill me?” the Emperor asked quietly. His voice did not tremble, and his eyes were honest and direct. The day before he had been a mess, but he seemed to have come to accept his fate. Hui Yue nodded his head. He had no intention of lying to the man.

“I see,” was his only answer. Looking around it seemed as though he wished to see the sun and the garden one last time before he closed his eyes forever. With a sigh, he looked at Hui Yue. “You have to be careful,” he said. His voice was devoid of emotions, and no hate seemed present. “Listen, Grand Marshal

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