Chapter 57 - Preparing for War
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 57 - Preparing for War

For the following day and the month after that, the guards did nothing but fight in groups day after day. At the start, multiple experts would leave the stage very early on in this exercise, but as one day took another fewer and fewer experts were injured early on. This allowed the battles to become increasingly difficult and intense. Everyone wished to prove that they were without a doubt better than everyone else. Seeing their progress, Hui Yue was very satisfied with the performance of the guards, and these guards soon started to understand what it was like to be an army, at least an army of five.

After having fought each other for quite a while in their small groups, Hui Yue looked at the many experts who were fighting with everything they had and with a nod of his head he decided to commence the second stage of the training.

The following day Hui Yue ordered the entire army to be split into two groups instead of the normal five man teams; there were now two armies against each other. The result was very much like what it was when they started their first group fight almost a month ago. Many casualties happened at the beginning; however, as the days went by, fewer and fewer became incapable of continuing the practice. The fighting became more and more intense, and at the end, only a fraction of the experts had left the battlefield. The majority were still battling back and forth refusing to give in, but also capable of holding on. Seeing this, Hui Yue was finally satisfied.

Leaving the training grounds, Hui Yue did not return to his room, as he had done all the other days; instead, he headed down the familiar path towards Wan Qiao’s chambers. A smile was on his face, and his eyes were shining blue with a serene gleam, something that made anyone who looked him in the eyes slowly calm down.

The door slowly opened and inside was not only Wan Qiao but also Lord Pan. For some reason, Hui Yue was not surprised to see that the lord was there together with Wan Qiao. Hui Yue greeted Lord Pan with a respectful nod to the

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