Chapter 97 - House of Silence
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 97 - House of Silence

Looking at the two decapitated guards, Lan Feng sighed heavily. He did not intend to kill anyone. However, this was the only way he could think of to enter the house without making any noise and alarming other guards nearby.

After having killed the two guards and knocking everyone else unconscious, the phoenix slowly opened the door to the house only to find that it was locked. Snorting at this attempt to keep him out, a ray of golden light flashed once more, and the door opened as the lock completely vanished without a sound.

Entering into the building everything was black. There was absolutely no light inside, nor were there any windows. The only entrance into the house was the door which he came through. From a storage stone, Lan Feng withdrew a light stone which shone over the eerily silent darkness which dominated the inside of this house.

Looking around, Hui Yue saw that the entire building was just one large room with one person after another lying on the floor on small mats, completely unconscious.

There were about three hundred men, women, elders, and children within the room. All of them unconscious, but none of them were dead; though none of them seemed alive either. Their bodies were warm, but none were breathing.

Hui Yue could feel anger welling up within Lan Feng, anger which he had never felt before. Considering that the Laws were created by his father, and the other divine beasts, it was obvious that he felt protective towards them. He felt a kind of connection with them.

Looking around, there was nothing in the room to suggest that these people were being mistreated. All of them had their own mattress, however, some mattresses were empty. Looking closer one could see that there were marks of someone lying down. The ones who belonged to the mattresses had been removed. As to where they were, neither Lan Feng nor Hui Yue had the smallest idea. However, they both quickly understood that this house was just a storage room.

With a final glance at the Laws, although Lan Feng wished to take all of the Law

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