Chapter 89 – Esteemed Guests
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 89 – Esteemed Guests

Hui Yue and his friends waited for what seemed like a couple of hours before the woman returned. She brought with her a large stack of papers and a friendly smile was on her face.

“Dear esteemed guests,” she started, and her voice caused Hui Yue to be slightly apprehensive. Why was she this friendly to someone who did not belong to the Dragon Corps? However, before he had the time to think about it, the woman continued, “Perhaps I can convince you to stay within our Dragon Corps compound. We have a luxurious small residence with a courtyard where you will fit in perfectly. You are welcome to stay for as long as you are within our magnificent city.”

“Not only that,” she continued her face smiling brightly as she gave one benefit after another which stunned the group of cultivators. “Finally, if you chose to stay here then you will be given an A ranked clearance and allowed to experience everything the Dragon Core has to offer in any way you wish.”

Hearing that they were even willing to give them an A ranked clearance shocked all six of them. They already understood how important a B ranked clearance had been to them, however, now it would be raised to A rank.

After thinking about this, a gentle smile appeared on Hui Yue’s face. He nodded his head, contrary to what his friends believed he would do.

Hui Yue was not lured by the prospective rewards, nor did he want the A rank clearance to tour the Dragon Core. Instead, he remembered the promise he made with Lan Feng. A promise to see what was happening to all the Laws who had been abducted by the Dragon Corps. Something which seemed to have been going on for years now.

Hui Yue, for good reasons, could not tell his friends why he suddenly chose to stay at the Dragon Corps’ headquarters, but, fortunately, none of them asked. Everyone just accepted the decision he made.

As soon as Hui Yue nodded his head, it seemed as though everything happened at once. The group was instantly brought to a big house in a quiet area. The house was big enough to be occupied by over

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