Chapter 77 – The Spy
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 77 – The Spy

Walking towards Sha Yun, Hui Yue did not even look back once. He was already quite certain about the expression which would be seen on the older man’s face.

Meeting up with Sha Yun, the snake-woman instantly hooked her arms around the young white-haired man’s and started dragging him towards the courtyard’s gate.

Moving out of the gate, the two guards instantly saluted towards the two guests and Hui Yue, being the person he was, repaid the respect by saluting back at the two men.

As soon as he was done, Sha Yun dragged him with her through the beautiful park down towards one of the canals where they boarded a small boat which took them through the city.

Seated in the boat, Hui Yue took the time to look around and his eyes were filled with astonishment and approval as he saw the many beautiful townhouses. Unlike all the other cities he had seen so far, no one within this city seemed to be poor, begging, or starving.

Hui Yue was not dumb. He knew that it was impossible that there were no poor people in the city. He believed that the poor were banished from the roads, making it even harder for them to beg for food.

Sha Yun was very direct with the way she was taking. She refused to give up just because Hui Yue had shown some attention to Wang Ju Long. As soon they left the boat Hui Yue was dragged through one street after another on their way towards the largest marketplace in the city.

Being out with Sha Yun was like going out with girls in his previous life. They would look at anything from clothing to jewelry. Unlike in the other world, though, they would also look at weaponry, medicinal pills, and armor. After looking at items, they purchased some snacks and spent the majority of the day walking around looking at one stall after another.

By the time it was evening, Sha Yun had been gifted a set of bracelets by Hui Yue. Now the two friends were walking back towards the courtyard where everyone was waiting for them.

Seeing the snake-woman so happy, Hui Yue, too, could not help but feel happy. Sha Yun was o

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