Chapter 67 – Yang Bai
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 67 – Yang Bai

A large ruckus appeared in the capital as soon as it got out that Hui Yue decided to take a mission in which he would be escorting a young master from within the city. The biggest commotion was that there was still space for four mercenaries in the mission. These four slots were highly sought after by both mercenaries and family guards alike.

The family guards were not participating because they were tired of their jobs as guards. No, they were applying because their families were willing to pay a huge sum of money if they managed to get on the mission with Hui Yue.

What was a simple escort mission turned into an elevated and highly sought after mission that everyone applied for.

The people who applied had various reasons for why they wanted to join the team. Some wanted to get close to Hui Yue. While others just wanted to see and meet this unrivaled genius. Some people wished to challenge the young genius to test their own abilities. There were even a few applicants who wished for nothing more than to assassinate the young white-haired man.

This escort mission was a mission which soon dominated all conversation in the city and the Yang family greatly benefited from the fame. Families from the entire city went to visit them. Everyone brought gifts, and some even tried to purchase the final four spots of the mission in question.

The few days while the Yang family enjoyed the fame they had suddenly gained, Hui Yue and his friends spent all their time within the Mercenary Guild preparing for yet another travel.

“Do you think we will meet more assassins?” Deng Wu raised the question which most of them were thinking. Although he asked the question, his face was dark as he already guessed the answer.

Hui Yue nodded his head before he replied, “I think we need to expect assassins to appear anywhere within these dungeons.”

Everyone nodded their heads, a solemn expression evident on their faces as they thought back to the days wasted within the illusion of the Endless Forest and how Hui Yue had pushed himself to hi

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