Chapter 61 – Merged Souls
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 61 – Merged Souls

Walking back to the Mercenary Guild the entire group had a substantial pressure weighing down on them. None of them were able to truly enjoy the walk nor think again of their meal with pleasure. Instead, they were all very annoyed with the fact that they had to fight in the arena.

Walking into the Mercenary Guild, Xu Piao was standing in front waiting for them with his arms crossed over his chest. His eyes were condemning them as they stepped inside the courtyard.

“Seriously, I leave you alone for one day. One day! And you go and annoy the Demon Dancing family! Why not just go and insult the City Lord?!”

Hearing Xu Piao speaking in such a manner caused a smile to appear on Hui Yue’s face. The more he got scolded, the more he smiled. It was nice to be cared about by an older person.

“It’ll be fine,” Hui Yue laughed. “I will do my best to ensure that we don’t have to let go of Sha Yun,” he continued, his voice light and careless. Not even once did he consider having Deng Wu fight although rank-wise he was the strongest of them all.

“It’s not fine!” Xu Piao said with a grim expression on his face. “They will likely use their strongest man. Although the family head and the elders won't step forward, the family still controls quite a few King ranked experts. You will have to fight against a King while you, yourself, are only a Master. How on earth do you think you can win a battle like that?!”

“Don’t worry,” Hui Yue said once more, his face showing a knowing smile. “I have means to protect my life and deal with a King ranked expert. Although I can not use it often, I will be able to use it during the next battle. For the sake of Sha Yun, I’ll use my full strength.”

Xu Piao and Xie Lan were taken aback hearing that. Both of them had been sure that they had seen the limits of his abilities when he fought against the Horned Snake, and also later on when he assisted them all to escape the illusion of the Endless Forest. Yet here he was insisting that he had yet to still go all out. The shock was not small.

“Let’s s

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