Chapter 39 – Join Us?
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 39 – Join Us?

Hui Yue was unable to enter a calm state of mind after Zhou Long visited. No matter how much he thought about it, something did not add up. It was as if everything was going too well. That never happened unless something was behind it.

Hui Yue’s ice-blue eyes were shining with doubt as he considered the pros and cons of a battle with the Demon Dwelling Beast. It had been resting for an entire millennium, if not more, and it was evident that it would be visibly weakened when it awoke. But how did they know it would wake up soon?

Why would the Dragon Corps’ captain personally invite Hui Yue and his group of friends before the final had commenced? Many questions were swirling within his mind as he was thinking about whether or not to take Zhou Long up on his offer.

As Hui Yue was considering his decision, he noticed that Xie Lan returned. It was easy to tell where she had been and an idea appeared in Hui Yue’s mind. This was, however, very risky so Hui Yue decided to talk with the others about the plan first. He felt as though they should have a say when there was a large possibility of it being a trap.

At the same time, Hui Yue could not help but wonder if he was overthinking things. Although it was quite a coincidence, he could not think of any way for the Dragon Corps to know about their actions earlier in the tunnels and so he slowly calmed himself down.

Standing up, Hui Yue patted Sha Yun on the head waking her up from her training. At first, a grumble was visible on her face, but it quickly changed to a smile as she saw that it was Hui Yue who woke her up from her trance-like state.

Seeing that Hui Yue interrupted her during her training, Sha Yun knew that he had something important to talk with them about. She rushed into the house and rounded up Wang Ju Long and Deng Wu, leading them outside where Hui Yue was seated.

None of them invited Xie Lan. This was a decision the four of them needed to make. At first, Hui Yue quickly went over the details of what happened. His recount was quick and precise, poin

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