Chapter 27 – The World Above
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 27 – The World Above

”Above? There is a world above?!” Xu Piao exclaimed with sheer disbelief shining from his eyes. His breathing had turned ragged, and his entire body stiffened in shock.

On the one side, this young man wished for nothing more than a different world, but in spite of that, deep inside himself was a voice of reason. It told him that if there truly were a world above then he would have known about it by now. Everyone would have known about it.

“Above,” Hui Yue stated calmly. “Can you not see the stone ceiling on your caves? Above those ceilings is ground filled with lush grass, tall mountains, vast oceans, and endless skies. That is the world where we came from.”

“How did you get here?” Xu Piao was no longer calm and collected. He was seated at the very edge of his chair, looking at Hui Yue with great excitement in his eyes. Even if it was a lie, he was keen to hear about this world beyond his own. He had always dreamt of moving freely and felt as though the caves were holding him down. Still, he had never expected that someone would tell him about a world above his own.

Hui Yue looked at Xu Piao for a short while before he withdrew a memory stone from within his storage stones. This particular memory stone was one he had bought long ago back in Riluo City. It contained a detailed path towards the capital from Riluo City. It was a map. A map which showed the way rather than having it written down on paper.

Accepting the memory stone, Xu Piao was still skeptical. He placed it upon his forehead. Quickly a silvery blue light flashed, showing to all that it was revealing the recording to the young man.

The recording contained a detailed description of the road, and it went through forests, past mountains and the land, showing the many different landscapes to the Guild Leader. Only after nearly an hour did Xu Piao finally wrest the stone from his forehead.

His eyes were clouded with mist as he handed back the stone, but Hui Yue shook his head, refusing to take it back. “Keep it as a gift,” he said smilingly.

Xu Piao

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