Chapter 9 – Dried Strips of Meat
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Blue Phoenix Chapter 9 – Dried Strips of Meat

The unsaid threat hung in the air, yet everyone wore expressions of relief. A slight frown appeared on Hui Yue’s face, as he did not notice any signs of worry about his final words. It seemed as though the Dragon Corps were very fearsome indeed.

The frown disappeared almost as soon as it arrived. Hui Yue's friends managed to notice it and made a mental note to remember the name Dragon Corps. The following day when they needed to look for information; that was definitely one of the things they would investigate.

Although not much had been said at the banquet, Hui Yue had already gotten two important pieces of information: one was the unknown tunnels where experts apparently lived on the other side, while the second piece of information was the Dragon Corps.

Thinking about the information given, Hui Yue came up with various theories, but one thing was certain. This cave that they were in was combined with at least one other cave where cultivators lived and controlled the surroundings.

The Dragon Corps was something which Hui Yue felt must have had something to do with the Azure Dragon since these dungeons were located beneath the Azure Dragon’s kingdom. However, were they remnants left behind from the time when the Azure Dragon, himself, walked the earth or had they taken the name due to other reasons?

Curiosity flooded Hui Yue. He was very anxious to go and see these tunnels on his own. But he knew that before moving further into the dungeons, he needed to find Sun and return her to the other laws.

Suddenly, from within his mind, a small ray of sunshine opened up the discussion about laws, and Hui Yue felt as though he finally understood something.

Hanging on to that thought for dear life, Hui Yue managed to get through the rest of the banquet with pleasantries and nice conversation for a couple of hours before standing up and apologizing for retiring early. He was exhausted from his travel, and no one at the table dared to say anything in return. Only polite nods and friendly smiles were given as he rushed back t

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