Chapter 911: Searching (2)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 911: Searching (2) (Teaser)

As a streak of flame, the Flame Celestial Sovereign ran for his life.

He didn't dare to stop, for there were several Earth Immortals hot on his heels. They had suddenly appeared half a month ago, barging into his place of seclusion, the Firecloud Cave. If he hadn't had a special treasure that laid down a Red Dust Illusion at the cave entrance, and if he hadn't possessed the resolve to give up on the treasure and run, his life would have already been in their hands.

But he didn't think his enemies would be so stubborn, and also faster! No matter how he ran, those people were always able to catch up. After the Flame Celestial Sovereign had used everything he had and ensured that he left behind no tracks, he realized that the other side probably had some kind of divination art. He inwardly groaned, for anyone in possession of such an art had to be an extraordinary person. Why were they coming after him? He wanted to stop and ask what was going on, but he was also worried that this would mean he had lost his chance to escape, so he decide