Chapter 904: Divine Kingdom Plan
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 904: Divine Kingdom Plan (Teaser)

This was a wondrous world.

A rhombus-shaped sun hung high in the sky, and the soil was a fiery red.

Spotted rodentapedes were happily basking in the sun. They were like fusions of rats and centipedes, with the heads of rats but segmented bodies and six legs bearing sharp claws that could help them swiftly dig through the soil.

Oileye butterflies beat their wings as they sought prey. These were carnivorous butterflies that would land on their targets and then jab them with their long and sharp proboscis, injecting a kind of liquid that would liquefy the flesh into something they could suck up. While they were doing this, they wouldn't let go or even move, even if one tried to grab them.

A three-headed monkey sat on a ghost-faced tree, boredly looking around. Grabbing a louse from its body, it was unable to decide which head should eat it, so it instead offered it to the face on the tree. The face opened its mouth, grabbing the louse with a green tongue and chowing down, moaning in satisfaction.

Rain didn't come from the sky, but from d