Chapter 901: System
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 901: System (Teaser)

To understand what Tang Jie had discovered, one had to first understand the meaning of Immortal Platform.

Every tier had a specific reason for its existence. Going up a tier didn't only mean that one had gotten stronger and could live longer.

They each had their own structure, meaning, and foundation.

For example, opening the Jade Gate granted the ability to absorb spiritual energy, opening the Spirit Eye granted the ability to store spiritual energy, and the Spirit Spring, Spirit Lake, and Spirit Sea determined how much spiritual energy could be stored. In the Hundred Refinement Period of the Mortal Shedding Realm, one could use spiritual energy to refine and strengthen the body. In the Nine Revolutions Period, one used spiritual energy to bathe the organs and extend one's lifespan, thus gaining a lifespan greater than an ordinary mortal's for the first time. But besides this, there was no other fundamental change. Cognitive Creation nurtured the Spirit Will, which was the first step to strengthening the soul. The Three Withering Tri