Chapter 883: One Versus One Hundred (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 883: One Versus One Hundred (1) (Teaser)

"Are you telling the truth?" Whitebrow Shao shouted.

Tang Jie replied, "I personally saw him escape. The news of this devil's death wasn't false. It was just that some of his Primal Divinity remained, somehow surviving despite being sealed within the Unbounded Palace for ten thousand years."

Whitebrow Shao said in shock, "In other words, only his Primal Divinity is a Gold Immortal, while the rest isn't?"

"Correct. This is why he doesn't eat Immortal Platform cultivators, because Earth Immortals are too hard to digest. Once he devours one, he needs a while to completely absorb them. This is why I was able to escape last time. But here, if he were to absorb an Earth Immortal, you would definitely notice something wrong. That's why he started with Violet Palace cultivators. Once he's absorbed all the Violet Palace cultivators, he will be strong enough to eat Earth Immortals. You had fallen for his scheme and were only thinking about escaping, unable to distinguish the truth, and by the time you realize something's amiss, it would already