Chapter 867: Escape and Pursuit (3)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 867: Escape and Pursuit (3)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Although Tutu's powers weren't impressive overall, when it concerned only speed, there were truly very few people that could keep up with him.

Tutu was frantically flying through the air.

He had already been informed that it was an Earth Immortal chasing them, so he didn't slack in the slightest, moving almost as quickly as the Flame Celestial Sovereign's streak of flame.

But "almost as quickly" meant that he was still a little slower.

Even though it was rather dismaying, Tang Jie had to accept this fact: even Tutu, whose specialty was speed, couldn't escape the Flame Celestial Sovereign.

Though rather than the Flame Celestial Sovereign instantly catching up, Tang Jie could sit on the back of the rabbit and watch that flame draw closer and closer…


But all the anger in the world couldn't get Tang Jie out of his current predicament. And he knew that Tutu was doing his best. After all, Tutu had just reached Divine Division, whereas the Flame Celestial Sovereign was a peak Earth Immortal. The gap between them was just too big.

Yes, peak Earth Immortal.

Tang Jie's attempts to stop him hadn't been a complete waste, allowing him to find out just how powerful the Flame Celestial Sovereign really was. As he had interacted with Yun Tianlan for a long period of time, Tang Jie was no stranger to this level of power. It was just that only interacting with Yun Tianlan meant he lacked reference points. This journey to the Court of Myriad Domains had let him see many more Immortal Platform experts and broadened his horizons, increasing his understanding of the Immortal Platform Realm even more. Just now, he had attacked several more times to continue his observations and confirm how strong this old bastard really was.

He had confirmed that this guy was on the verge of a breakthrough, already at the peak of Earth Immortal.

Just from how he was still giving chase, Tang Jie could tell that his reserves of Immortal energy were still healthy.

Still, the explosions o

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Translator Notes

Immortals are really just unkillable cockroaches that eventually win the endurance battle.

Novel Notes

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