Chapter 864: Encounter With an Old Foe
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 864: Encounter With an Old Foe

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The Red Dust Soil in Tang Jie's hand felt as heavy as a mountain and was as red as blood. It exuded an eerie feeling, and he really couldn't understand why sprites would like to eat such a thing.

After some thought, he called Yiyi out. Of course, if Yiyi went out, Ice Phoenix couldn't stay in the diagram either.

Tang Jie passed the Red Dust Soil to Yiyi, who examined it and asked, "Big Brother, what is this for?"

"For eating," Tang Jie replied.

Yiyi looked at Tang Jie like he was a ghost. "Big Brother, have you gone crazy? This is dirt! You want me to eat dirt?"

Tang Jie said in surprise, "You don't like it?"

"Duh!" Yiyi placed her hands on her waist. "Why would I like something like this?"

"That doesn't make sense." Tang Jie was somewhat perplexed.

Huang Wuji had said that sprites loved this stuff, so why did Yiyi feel nothing?

At this moment, Yiyi suddenly felt something, and her face turned strange. "Eh? Tang Dou, what's wrong?"

She took out a small bean, which jumped from her hand and turned into a little person.

After Tang Jie had given Tang Dou to Yiyi, he had become her cherished treasure, and she kept him with her every day like a child with a toy. Tang Dou wasn't kept in a Mustard Seed Bag for fear that he might suffocate.

Tang Dou spent most of the time in his bean form, sleeping in Yiyi's pocket, so it was very surprising for him to come out on his own.

When he saw the Red Dust Soil, he let out a cry of joy and jumped into it, beginning to eat the soil.

Tang Jie, Xu Miaoran and Yiyi were all startled, and a thought occurred to them.

Were the sprites Huang Wuji had been talking about these beans?

When these beans took on human form, they could easily be mistaken for sprites, but Tang Jie knew that their forms weren't manifested from spiritual energy, but were a kind of form they could naturally assume.

If that was the case, had Huang Wuji been to the home of these beans?

Tang Jie was delighted and wanted to ask Huang Wuji, but alas, th

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Translator Notes

For a brief moment there, the author remembered that the bean soldiers existed.

Novel Notes

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