Chapter 857: Charging to the Next Tier
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 857: Charging to the Next Tier

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Tutu couldn't remember exactly how many fiends it ended up fighting.

All it knew was that it kept flying and kept fighting, charging at any fiend it spotted.

Seething Immortal energy was fighting to get out of its body, and it was also addling its mind, leaving it so confused that it even charged at Void Returning fiends.

Fortunately, Tang Jie still had his senses and was able to pull it away.

Finally, that energy that was about to make it burst receded.

As the power faded away, an unprecedented fatigue swept over Tutu, and it immediately fainted.

When it woke, it found itself lying in the wilderness.

Opening its eyes, it saw Tang Jie's face.

"Master!" Tutu recoiled in fear.

Like a man who had awoken from a drunken daze, its first instinct was to prepare to be scolded.

But the expected storm didn't come. Tutu cracked open its eyes and saw Tang Jie smiling at it.

He said, "Awake now? If you're awake, let's get going."


Tutu blurted out in surprise, "You're not going to scold me?"

It immediately regretted these words. Wasn't this essentially asking for a beating?

Fortunately, Tang Jie was magnanimous, casually saying, "What? So you want me to give you a scolding?"

"Of course not!" Tutu laughed. "I know I was wrong, so I won't make the same mistake in the future."

"Stop being so humble. After all, you're a Divine Division great fiend now. You'll become a joke if someone sees you being so meek and servile."

"Oh," Tutu said.

And then it froze.

'A Divine Division great fiend'?

What did he mean?

Seeing that it was confused, Tang Jie indifferently said, "Hm? Have you not noticed yet?"

A light flashed behind Tutu's head, and an ethereal rabbit rose up.

This was the defining attribute of Divine Division and Violet Palace, the Divine Soul leaving the body.

For humans, it was Violet Palace, and for fiends, it was Divine Division. The two had the same meaning, that being the condensation of the Divine Soul and linking with the world, from then on p

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie just so happened to pick his cultivation spot right where Reverend Whitestone had his secret passage! Was this simply a coincidence? Or was it Fate?

Novel Notes

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