Chapter 851: Emergence
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 851: Emergence

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Flying through the Astral Winds was undoubtedly a major test of a cultivator's defenses, reaction time, and flying ability.

Some people were so skilled in defense that they could even fend off those special gusts of wind. Others were able to react quickly enough to dodge the winds in time. Still others just flew extremely fast such that they were able to quickly get through this dangerous region.

There were also those who used valuable treasures to resist these natural dangers, but while this let them get through the Astral Winds, it made them a target of human greed. Tang Jie watched as a cultivator took out a protective umbrella and was subsequently murdered by a wandering Earth Immortal over it. It had been done in an extremely furtive manner, but it hadn't been able to hide from Tang Jie's Celestial Eye.

In comparison, large-scale defensive Dao Arts like Tang Jie's were much more rare.

Kun Wu was approaching his limits evading all those gusts of wind, upon which he saw Tang Jie barging through, his palace blocking all the Astral Winds. Delighted, he shouted, "Brother Tang, help me!"

Seeing this, Tang Jie waved his hand, drawing Kun Wu into the Infinite Palace.

When Kun Wu entered the palace, he found that the storm had vanished without a trace. He sighed in relief and bowed to Tang Jie. "Brother Tang's methods are truly impressive."

Tang Jie chuckled. "Just sit right there. Formations have been laid out in the palace, so don't recklessly move around. I'm going to help the others."

Since he had started rescuing people and since saving more people was no extra effort on his part, Tang Jie decided to pick up the cultivators of the Jadestone Alliance and send them into the Infinite Palace.

These wandering cultivators were in a wretched state amidst the winds, and Reverend Whitestone was focused on stealing treasures and cared not for their safety. Thankfully, Tang Jie had come to rescue them all, and they all expressed their utmost gratitude. Tang Jie di

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Translator Notes

If you didn't realize before, it's now pretty obvious that Reverend Whitestone is up to no good. And why does Tang Jie have memories of the court? Is he also actually a secret reincarnation of some court bigshot? Or maybe it's the Martial Lord?

Novel Notes

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