Chapter 832: Fortune
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 832: Fortune

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


Following Tang Jie, Yuan Chenfei really did find many rare spirit plants, and most of them were more than one hundred years old, which meant that they hadn't been gathered the last time the paradise had opened.

At first, Yuan Chenfei thought that he was just lucky. After all, most rare plants were guarded by fiends, who normally had symbiotic relationships with them. But as he gathered more and more without encountering a single fiend, and then he looked over at Tang Jie, who had completely given up on acting and was grinning like a fool, he finally understood.

As he collected an extremely rare Green Demon Vine from next to a small pond, carefully putting it away, he asked, "You again?

"You could say that not encountering any fiends on the way so far is coincidence or luck, but a ripe Green Demon Vine will give an aroma most tempting to fiends, which is why they say that you'll find fiends wherever you find Green Demon Vines. But there's not a single one here. You aren't going to say that this is all the work of that fiendish gale, are you?"

Tang Jie coughed. "Why not? It's fiendish…"

"If it's not like this, would it still be a fiendish gale?" the two sounded off in unison.

Yuan Chenfei looked at him and suddenly laughed. "Fine; since that's what you're going to say, I'll be helping myself, then."

"What are you going to do?"

Yuan Chenfei chuckled and ran off to the deepest part of the Rainbow Meadow.

Alarmed, Tang Jie pulled on him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Stealing treasures," Yuan Chenfei boldly replied. "The spirit plants farther in are even better."

"But you're not strong enough."

"Don't I have you?" Yuan Chenfei replied. But then he corrected himself, "Oh, wait. I mean: isn't there the fiendish gale? With this fiendish gale protecting us, all the fiends in the surrounding area have vanished. Clearly, I'm a person favored by fortune. If I don't take this chance to head farther in now, when would I?"

Tang Jie was taken aback by his respons

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Translator Notes

Yuan Chenfei still a softie when it comes to his senior brother. Is it going to pay off?

Novel Notes

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