Chapter 797: Ambush (1)
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 797: Ambush (1)

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


When Tang Jie emerged from the ancestral hall, the fighting had already stopped.

The joint order from the high ancestors of the Basking Moon Sect and Godhead Palace could not be disobeyed.

Although the Seven Absolutions Sect was unwilling, they knew that they had to compromise over the Divine Will Golden Body. In the end, they had taken a rock and smashed their own foot with it.

Getting caught up in too many schemes often ended up with one hurting oneself.

Of course, they didn't stop for free. Yun Tianlan had promised to give the Seven Absolutions Sect compensation.

The cultivators of Godhead Palace began to retreat.

Led by the chiefs, they abandoned Godhead Mountain and headed to their homeland, the island once known as Tapir Hill, bringing with them only what treasures they were already carrying. On the other end, Ling Xiao followed Yun Tianlan's orders and let Jin Wuyu and Hu Xuehua go. When Shi Wunian learned that he wasn't allowed to go, a hint of sorrow appeared in his eyes, but he said nothing and committed suicide on the spot.

Under the threat of two sects, the mighty Godhead Palace had melted away.

The Jade-Cleansing Golden Sunset Formation was opened, and the cultivators of the Seven Absolutions Sect charged into Godhead Palace and began to plunder to their hearts' content.

Tang Jie walked past them as if he saw nothing, but his mind was still agitated over Chu Xitong's death.

Had he really done wrong?

This was his first time questioning himself.

The images of all those who lunged at him, resolved to die, flashed through his mind.

They had all once been outstanding cultivators who had struggled on the path of cultivation and looked to the future with endless anticipation and hope. Some of these geniuses might have even been able to reach his level if they had had the chance.

But all of this had been turned to nothing on the battlefield.

Countless lives had turned to dust, countless dreams rotted into mud.

It was all because of this culti

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Translator Notes

Too bad for the Beast Refining Gate, the Basking Moon Sect isn't done just yet!

Novel Notes

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