Chapter 793: Speaking Forth the Law
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 793: Speaking Forth the Law

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


The hour was late, but the battle continued unabated.

At this moment, on Godhead Mountain, an arrow carrying all the life force of a peak Soul Transformation cultivator lit up the sky with a world-ending light, drawing the gaze of all experts.

Tang Jie raised his head and saw a golden arrow flying toward him.

At that instant, Tang Jie felt an unprecedented sense of danger. In that very first moment, Tang Jie understood that he could not block this arrow, nor could he afford to let it hit him.

This arrow could kill even Deification experts. He might not have been able to endure it even in his merged form.

This was a terrifying arrow infused with the destructive power of a Great Dao!

There were no Violet Palace experts present in Godhead Palace, so who could have unleashed this sort of attack?

Tang Jie didn't know, nor did he have any time to think about it.

The alarm bells in his mind were blaring at maximum volume, and his survival instincts were operating at maximum capacity.

An indescribable feeling emerged in his mind. In his eyes, nothing existed in the world except that arrow.

Gazing at that arrow, entirely on instinct, Tang Jie seemed to thoroughly comprehend something, and he suddenly shouted.


This cry was like a call of the heavens, awakening the soul of all who heard it.

A small person appeared on his head—his Divine Soul.

The Divine Soul looked at that golden arrow and slightly opened its mouth, upon which that golden arrow suddenly radiated light that formed into a golden ball, which was seemingly a kind of defensive system. However, the arrow also stopped cold in the air.

At the same time, a person shot out from the horizon like a comet: Tang Jie's original body.

He was charging through the air with no regard for what was in front of him, pushing through weapons and spell arts in his bid to get to the formation.

But that golden arrow had only paused for a brief moment.


Tang Jie shouted again, his face turning ghastly p

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Translator Notes

Tang Jie survived Godhead Palace's strongest blow, and now there's nothing left to stop him!

Novel Notes

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