Chapter 791: Charging into the Formation
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Aspiring to the Immortal Path Chapter 791: Charging into the Formation

Translated by: Hypersheep325

Edited by: Michyrr


To charge into the Jade-Cleansing Golden Sunset Formation was to face surging golden winds.

These golden winds were akin to the Domain Astral Winds of the Rosecloud Domain, brimming with destructive power.

A spiritual barrier appeared around Tang Jie to hold off the golden winds.

Before heading farther in, he first observed his surroundings.

The Jade-Cleansing Golden Sunset Formation had both formidable external defenses and numerous internal mechanisms. Every location hid potential dangers, and every step had to be considered carefully.

The inside of the formation was littered with corpses, belonging to both the Seven Absolutions Sect and Godhead Palace. There were also signs of various traps having triggered, with some being so powerful that even a Violet Palace expert like Tang Jie would have had to be careful around them.

Scorch marks and weapon marks could be seen all around the place as remnants from previous offensives, and as Tang Jie walked through, he felt like he was making his way through an abandoned battlefield.

Suddenly, a black wave rushed toward Tang Jie. Rather than attempting to stop it, Tang Jie hastily retreated, upon which the black wave surged past, melting down all the corpses it passed over and leaving naught but white bones. Even Tang Jie couldn't help but grimace at the corrosiveness of such fluid.

Fortunately, the black wave disappeared, and Tang Jie continued forward, but he made it only a few steps before a bolt of lightning came at him.

This time, Tang Jie attempted to defend against it. The lightning bolt exploded on Tang Jie, and then, seemingly without Tang Jie doing anything, a rock in the distance exploded, and someone tumbled out from behind it, wailing. Before he could react, the wind turned into thousands of blades and swept over him, slicing him into countless neat little pieces.

Tang Jie continued, observing the formation as he ventured deeper and deeper in.

He had to seize the golden body before all of its Divi

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Translator Notes

Godhead Palace is sending all of its leaders at Tang Jie, but without a Violet Palace expert, can they really stop him?

Novel Notes

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