Chapter 926- Swallowing Demon Mark's bug
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 926- Swallowing Demon Mark's bug

Ye Zhongming jumped slightly. Although it looked like he didn’t use any strength, this was the fastest speed he could currently use.

Demon Gold’s meatgrinder hands brushed past his ear, and the wind it swept caused Ye Zhongming’s ears to hurt.

You knew how sharp it was just by listening to the sound.

Ye Zhongming could guess his abilities improved after Demon Gold swallowed the demon mark. The black mark didn’t give him new abilities but helped to improve the old ones.

For example, the bone fork. Previously, it was a skill used on his arms, but now it covered half of his body.

Those wolf souls were gone and had entered Demon Gold’s body, enchanting the bone scales and blade. Not only did this render darkness energy useless on him, but it also strengthened the bone fork.

Of course, his biggest strength increase was still Human Spirit Transformation. This ability instantly increased the user’s strength. With the demon mark, speed, strength, reaction, and defense all increased. Demon Gold, who could only run from Ye Zhongming, was now able to stand up and fight back.

But Ye Zhongming was still calm.




Demon Gold continued to shout as if it could give him courage and combat strength. Not only were his arms spinning like a meat grinder. His legs, even all his joints, had bone blades sticking out, and using all sorts of methods to strike Ye Zhongming.

But none of them hit.

This made it very anxious.

Some sounds spread from the battle contribution badge. Ye Zhongming felt Demon Gold wouldn’t have any more trump cards, so he fought back.

The situation started to change. Demon Gold, who was confident that he could kill Ye Zhongming, started to taste the full-strength attacks from this Cloud Peak boss.

Ye Zhongming added a layer of black earth armor, special form!

Cloud Peak had many materials, so replenishing the Earth Elf’s energy wasn’t a problem. Naturally, Ye Zhongming was happy to use the skill.

This special armor consumed more energy than the ordinary Earth Armor but had higher def

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