Chapter 922- female face
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 922- female face

Ye Zhongming sat quietly on the ground to recover mental energy. Xia Lei and the others were around him and were waiting.

Moments later, the Death King Tree appeared from the ground.

“Seems like we just need to wait.”

Death King Tree gave an intelligent look.

“The situation changed?”

Ye Zhongming asked.

He understood its personality… If it did have a personality.

This tree was unstable. Sometimes, it loved to kill; sometimes, it was innocent; sometimes, it was cunning; and sometimes, it was honest.

But usually, as long as you offended it but used some praise or told it that humans should do something else, it wouldn’t oppose you and would give you respect.

The sense of achievement of making a level eight lifeform listen to you did feel good.

“They had two bases, but now, the humans at one abandoned it and are rushing to their other base. I think we can wait until they gather.”

Xia Lei frowned when she heard it.

There weren’t many Cloud Peak warriors here. After keeping some to watch those prisoners, only a thousand could participate in this attack. Based on what the Death King Tree said, it would be too difficult when the two armies gathered.

To Cloud Peak, who focused on strength in elites, casualties were something they paid attention to.

“How many people are there?” Ye Zhongming asked.

Death King Tree shook its body, “Around ten thousand.”

Xia Lei took a look at Ye Zhongming. This number exceeded what they could deal with. If they fight, the losses would be huge.

“How strong are they?”

Ye Zhongming didn’t reply to Xia Lei and continued to ask about the basic information.

Death King Tree’s beautiful face looked confused.

“Ye, the few people in the base give me a weird feeling.”

Although the Death King Tree was not a sensory lifeform, at this evolution level, it was very sharp. For the Death King Tree to say, that meant that Ye Zhongming had to pay close attention to it.

Moreover, Ye Zhongming was used to his past life, which gave him a prophet-like prediction skill. Now that an organization

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