Chapter 899- Elite team
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 899- Elite team

“Some of the mutated lifeforms have left, but not many. Little Tiger and the others got back out of the city after evolving. Moreover, Rainbow Gate transported 50 thousand more out. The mutated lifeforms that left would be killed further away.”

Mo Ye remained in Cloud Peak and took over control from Liu Zhenghong, who returned to her lab. Ye Zhongming brought back many materials. Flame Tiger Operation’s God Hall attack. Although they only obtained a few bits of their research data, it was enough for Cloud Peak to research for some time.

“Where is Professor He?” Ye Zhongming frowned and asked.

This fellow was a spy who helped them when they attacked God Hall, but Xia Lei did all that. Ye Zhongming didn’t know their agreement before he found Xia Lei, and he had to wait for her to tell him about it when she returned. However, Professor He was not only a researcher but also a very strong expert. He had turned into a monster, so it was a lie if Ye Zhongming said he didn’t worry.

“He is in Professor Liu’s lab, but King Lingkun looks over him.”

This was something Ye Zhongming instructed before he went to evolve. This level eight king gave him face. Of course, Ye Zhongming gave him a green armor as a form of thanks.

Seeing that Ye Zhongming didn’t say anything, Mo Ye continued, “The siege continues, but we have many defenders, and the defense density is high, so there is no threat. We even repaired the few damaged parts of the wall.”

Two hundred thousand warriors gathered in Cloud Peak. Along with the ten thousand originally here, the entire Villa was filled with people. The walls could only fit six thousand people, so the warriors had to wait days before it was their turn to fight. Moreover, they only had to defend each time for a few hours.

The battle time was short, and they were well-staffed. Not only was Cloud Peak’s defense firm, but its casualty rate significantly decreased.

This changed their attitudes. Although Ye Zhongming and any of the Cloud Peak higher-ups didn’t say anything, everyone was looking for

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