Chapter 800- Crystal Nest Barrier
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 800- Crystal Nest Barrier

The demon monsters had suffered huge losses since the start of the battle.

The humans used their ranged skills and cannons and caused thousands of them to die.

After they clashed, the humans were stubborn and strong and also caused huge losses. The cannons didn’t stop. Each shot would kill dozens of demon monsters.

Each step forward they took, they would pay a huge price.

But they still believed that victory was in front of their eyes. These humans were strong, but there were too few of them. Just half an hour was needed to end this battle.

But after that huge range spell, they were stunned. To them, they didn’t understand what had happened.

Why were those shiny things so amazing and quick? They descended from above and burnt a few thousand of them to death?

Those in the inner circle were still okay. Many of them still didn’t know what had happened. But those in the outer circle weren’t so calm. They were afraid that such things would happen again, and they would be the ones that were turned into ash.

Honestly, they were used to ruling, and this was the first time they realized that their bodies weren’t invincible.

This chaos quickly spread throughout the horde, and even those in the inner circle were affected.

The humans took the opportunity to gather and form a new defensive line. Those high-level demon monsters who jumped into the inner circle fled, and the humans killed the remaining.

The battlefield reverted to a similar situation as before.

But the humans didn’t feel hopeful because of that. On the contrary, after the momentary joy, they felt more solemn.

In such a short while, over a thousand humans had died!

The battle was intense, and the formation was squeezed into a very small circle. As long as you got injured, your subordinates had no space to save you. So, injuries were the same as death. As the demon monsters pushed forwards, the injured humans would get drowned and theye would have no chance to escape.

This was happening even with the cannons and the princess mage. The latter had fain

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