Chapter 789- Lack of eq
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 789- Lack of eq

Female seven-star?

That surprised Ye Zhongming.

Even in his last life, the number of females evolved was fewer than that of guys. They took up 30% of the overall amount.

Of course, this situation would become less obvious as the evolution levels increased. There might even be more females at eight and nine star than males. As for the reason, maybe when they reached that level, the gender effect was minimal.

But now, the resistance zone gathered its strength to nurture a female, shocking Ye Zhongming.

Did they think that females were easier to control? Or they wanted to nurture one male and one female to see if the kids they gave birth to would become evolved straight from birth? But Jayce was quite old? He was also very ugly.

Ye Zhongming admitted that this woman’s gaze towards Xia Bai made him unhappy, so his thoughts were negative.e

She jumped from the dozen-meter-tall Mechanic Fortress and landed. Ye Zhongming looked at her legs, and he raised his brows.

There were no marks on her legs.

To be perfectly fine after jumping from such a height. Many evolved could do that, but due to the gravity, they would leave marks on the ground. But she was able to leave no marks. This meant that either her control of her body had reached a sick level or she learned a special skill or job.

Cloud Peak cared a lot about Ye Zhongming’s safety when facing outside factions, Especially when facing high-level evolved. So when this caravan stopped, and nearly a thousand people got down, Xia Bai’s squad protected Ye Zhongming.

After the arena and Chain Prisoner matte, Cloud Peak didn’t like those from the resistance zone.

After the seven-star evolved jumped, she walked before Cloud Peak’s formation. She probably wanted to speak to Xia Bai, but she noticed that everyone, including Xia Bai, was standing behind Ye Zhongming.

She had to face him.

When she stepped before Cloud Peak’s squad, Ye Zhongming noticed that Wen Zhong and even Ji Ruiguang slightly reacted. Wen Zhong even lifted his leg.

It seemed like he wanted to stop

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