Chapter 18- Three colored Gacha
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 18- Three colored Gacha

The students and teachers grumbling at Ye Zhongming kept silent immediately.

"You, how can you do that? Our request is very reasonable!"

Who knew if she was furious or terrified, but Teacher Park's face flushed red, and she stared at him. This was an equal trade to her, like the math theories she taught her class.

She didn't expect that what she thought was reasonable would make this guy laugh.

"There is nothing fair in this world; there is only strong and weak."

Ye Zhongming was not interested in wasting time here. He told these humans who still had hope in their hearts the ice-cold law of the apocalypse.

These students and teachers didn't have much courage. If not, they wouldn't just hide in the classroom instead of dashing out to flee. Facing Ye Zhongming's blade, they didn't dare to fight back.

Only Teacher Park had some courage. She knew that their chances of escaping were low without his help.

She bit her teeth to suppress the fear in her heart. She looked at him stubbornly and wasn't willing to give up.

"You have to save us!"

Ye Zhongming looked at this teacher who tried to gain benefits for everyone. He smiled and placed the blade down, which caused everyone to heave a sigh of relief. But right then, he pointed the gun at a student.

"What are you doing!?"

"Oi oi, you!"

That movement terrified everyone. That girl shivered and didn't dare to move at all.

"Tell me, or I will kill all of you." Ye Zhongming pouted, "Or I will just let the zombies eat all of you."

Ye Zhongming wasn't threatening; he would do it. Ten years of the apocalypse made his heart as strong as metal. Apart from brothers and lovers that spent time walking into his life, he didn't show softness to other people.

Not only that, everyone in the apocalypse was the same. At least those people who Ye Zhongming trusted, as well as many survivors, only trusted themselves.

This determined killing intent caused them to collapse. The girl he pointed the gun at cried and begged her teacher to tell Ye Zhongming. The others also tried to

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