Chapter 162- Blood Battle (1)
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 162- Blood Battle (1)

Old Wang sat on a pile of dirt and smoked a crumpled cigarette. He smokes a mouth before extinguishing it. A few minutes later, he lit it up again. He repeated this several times.

A young man beside him saw him do that and was slightly annoyed.

"Old Wang, please be quiet. Can you save some strength? What is the point?"

Old Wang laughed. As he didn't brush his teeth in days, you could see the rice grains from lunch in the gaps of his teeth.

"In the past, I had a heavy smoking addiction and would smoke at least two packets a day. Unfortunately, the apocalypse came, and this was my last one, so I didn't want to finish it. Let me enjoy it."

"But you… Just smoke it all; why do all this?" The young man was annoyed, and his face turned red.

"Relax." Old Wang saw the young man's nervousness and smiled, "Your muscles will cramp if you are too nervous, and you will lose strength. Then how will you fight later?"

"I…" He relaxed his hands and noticed that it was sweating profusely. He wiped them on his legs and relaxed a little.

"I know that you are afraid; I am too." Old Wang extinguished it again and sucked in a deep breath, enjoying the comfort of the smoke circling his body. He spat out, "This is my final one; I will have no more after I finish. I might die today, so I don't want to have any of this remaining."

He was stunned and didn't expect Old Wang to say that.

"You could not have come."

They volunteered to be here, and those afraid of dying could remain in the base.

"Don't come?" He smiled, "If I didn't come, I might die tomorrow or the day after. Now that I am here, although it is dangerous and I might die, I had two full meals. Even if I die, I won't be a hungry ghost."

Old Wang sucked another mouth, and the cigarette was mostly finished: "I didn't know that rice with sand would taste so good."

The people listening to them speak looked forwards and saw three people running over quickly. They were the three strongest in the base now.

Behind them was a dense zombie hoard that revealed their ugly shadows

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