Chapter 15- Arm that shone black
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 15- Arm that shone black

The few students were stunned and took a few seconds to react.

“I, I didn’t see it…”

One of them said and was a little embarrassed. He felt guilty because Ye Zhongming saved him, but he could not help.

Ye Zhongming looked at the rest, and they all shook their heads. They said they saw the light but didn’t notice where it landed.

Outside, downstairs, in the courtyard, were all monsters wanting to eat them. One could see blood and corpses all around. They were on the verge of collapse. They hoped people would come to save them and not some weird light outside.

He was slightly disappointed. It seemed like he had to search for them himself. Fortunately, this was his alma mater; although it wasn’t small, he was familiar. He just needed to spend some time finding it; others might get to it first.

But there was no choice. Since the apocalypse began, he had to live in this hell. Not only did one have strength, but he also had to have luck.

“I think Teacher Park said she saw it.”

A guy wearing high-class clothing and gold spectacles said, which made Ye Zhongming’s eyes light up.

“Who is Teacher Park?”

When the guy heard someone holding a bloodstained blade ask a question, he said, “Our class’s mentor, she was trapped with us in the classroom; she is there now.”

He pointed at the classroom they fled out of.

So that teacher was still trapped in that classroom.

Save or not?

Looking at that square with nearly a hundred zombies, Ye Zhongming frowned.

He could kill those zombies, but he couldn’t ensure he wouldn’t get injured. Before he got immunity, injury and death meant the same thing.

From a rational standpoint, he shouldn’t take the risk. But the Secret Realm Key was hugely attractive to him. He was afraid that others would get it first.

He balanced it out and made his choice.


Even if it were risky, he wouldn’t give up hope of getting the key. The Secret Realm was just too attractive.

“Do you see the three-story building?” Ye Zhongming pointed to old buildings where the school’s armed forces are bui

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