Chapter 1445- One person one army
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1445- One person one army (Teaser)

"Boss, the third one is a bit terrifying."

Hearing Little Tiger say this, Tong Hu and the others were immediately displeased, clamoring, "Could it really be scarier than your second ability?"

Ye Zhongming rubbed the short stubble on his chin and said, "The first two abilities are both related to the eyes. So, is this last one a completely random ability?"

Xiao Hu nodded, then looked around and pointed to a distant area where the rocks were located. These rocks were used to test the power of crystal cannons.

These rocks were a special type of stone formed from the saliva of a unique monster—the Maned Eagle—dripping onto the rocks where it perched. These rocks were extremely hard, typically ranging from green-grade defensive equipment to blue-grade. Cloud Peak used them to test the power of their crystal cannons.

Seeing that Little Tiger was using such rocks to test his skill, everyone grew curious, eager to see what he was about to do.

However, just as Little Tiger was about to start, Ye Zhongming stopped him and asked, "Is the cooldow