Chapter 1227- Died in battle
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1227- Died in battle

The camp was well-lit. There was no more fighting, but this place was still very intense and showed signs of becoming dangerous.

“Are we going to be loyal to such a Saintess? A Saintess that thrust her weapon into the Saint Father?”

A middle-aged man walked about in the tent and was emotional. His words spread outside, and tens of thousands of warriors were listening.

“Saint Light Hall is our faith; we will fight to the death for it. Not only us, our ancestors and even our descendants will do the same.” His voice was low and firm.

“But, we believe in the honor of Saint Hall. What is honor? Fearless, brave, sacrifice, unity!”

“We have been carrying these values. We fought from our homes to this place. We went through tough travel and intense fights. We have seen many allies die. Now, many more loved ones are waiting for us to head home!”

“But look, what did we do today?” The middle-aged man pointed around. You could see many Posthumous People and Cloud Peak warriors patrolling through the gaps between the tents. They would glance into their camp.

“Did we lose? No! Even then, why are we being treated like prisoners here? Why did this happen?”

The guy looked at the commanders in the tent.

“Because our Saint Father died!”

“Because someone on our side killed our Saint Father!”

“Because our Saintess wants to surrender to the enemy!”

“This woman that surrendered has no sense of glory for Saint Light Hall. She is a humiliation to our entire race!”

“Brothers, are we really going to listen to her orders? Listen to someone who killed the Saint Father? Are we going to kneel before the people who killed our allies just a few days ago?”

“What kind of warriors are we? Where is the honor? How can we answer to our ancestors who gave us life?”

The middle-aged man got more and more excited. He waved his arms, and the commanders and warriors outside were all influenced by his speech. These people were the most loyal to the Saint Father. They didn’t listen to the Saintess and head’s orders. Now that the Saint Father died

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