Chapter 1225- Urge to bite him
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1225- Urge to bite him

The thick blood stench in the air had scattered. The Posthumous People had cleared most of the battlefield.

It was weird that Saint Light Hall and the Posthumous People were in the same region. Although there were still distinct areas, they weren’t as tense as before.

This was the fifth day of the negotiations.

Ye Zhongming sat beside a table and ate something that Miya brought him. This was a specialty dish from the Secret Realm- a thick soup made from herbs and demon monster meat along with a bowl of life rice. This was a decent meal in the Imperial City, where everything was still chaotic.

The life rice nurturing made some progress. Although they couldn’t produce the food on a large scale without Ye Zhongming’s help, they could allow the core members to have a bowl every day.

Daning really solved the problem of planting this dish, which could strengthen the skills of the people who ate it.

The curtain was drawn, and Xia Lei walked in. He glanced at Miya’s body and even winked.

Miya greeted her, and her face flushed red.

Xia Lei was just a hooligan that even Miya couldn’t take it.

Xia Lei snatched a piece of meat, which caused Ye Zhongming to roll his eyes and pass his chopsticks to her.

“You have your own food; why are you fighting me for it?” He rubbed her hair as a form of revenge.

She didn’t feel embarrassed at all and started to eat. Miya smiled and added rice for her.

Everyone knew Xia Lei was best to talk to when she wasn’t angry. Of course, she was the toughest to deal with when she was angry.

“Did something happen?” Ye Zhongming drank some tea. In his last life, a hot meal or a cup of tea was really luxurious. But in this life, he didn’t need to say anything, and people would serve them to him. The gap made him emotional.

Xia Lei chewed while looking at her guy and speaking, “Your tricks have been seen through. The person is asking you to head out to take a walk.”

Her chewing slowed down, and he moved mysteriously before him, “If you can get those Saint Light Hall warriors to Cloud Peak, I

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