Chapter 1134- Familiar face
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1134- Familiar face (Teaser)

Speaking of which, Hundred Hole Swamp was very special. The resource points were all in the cat ears. But how many holes were there in such a huge swamp? After the Royal Guild tabulated the numbers, they realized there were over two thousand!

Moreover, the information about the resource points wasn’t as detailed as what Ye Zhongming knew. They needed to search them one by one.

But this dungeon was far more dangerous than the intermediate region. Five Ring Money had to send at least a dozen five-star evolved each time to explore it with one six-star as a core. If not, the few deacons had to enter personally.

Five Ring Money wouldn’t spend so much effort scouting a dungeon, so after a few caves, they summarised the dangers in this place. As for how to unlock them, they would discuss and come up with a plan.

Based on the plan, they would invite evolved, which was their special invitation.

Gan Lan and Mei Na felt that they probably had confidence in them since Five Ring Money invited them to help. But in truth, Five Ring Money just based