Chapter 1091- Series of information
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1091- Series of information (Teaser)

Li Qiang shook his head. “That ship was filled with items that aren’t from Earth. Honestly, I am not knowledgeable and didn’t receive much advanced education, so I can only guess. I only know that most of that stuff can be remotely controlled, as when those equipment was testing on us, no other lifeform appeared. Until...”

He sucked in a deep breath. It was as if thinking back at those scenes would make someone like him, who wouldn’t even panic when facing a few dozen lifeforms of his level, tremble.

“Until that place was attacked. The ship was shattered, and I saw a bunch of weird-looking corpses.”

He looked at Ye Zhongming and said softly, “You know that when evolved reach a certain level, they can sense the strength of other lifeforms. Although I don’t know your evolution level, I can sense that you are stronger than me. It's the same for those corpses. Even if they had died, I could still sense the energy in their bodies. They were stronger than you, even much stronger.”

Ye Zhongming knew that because Li Qiang was a professional a