Chapter 1086- Gory Red Arena
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1086- Gory Red Arena (Teaser)

“What if too many people die?”

Deacon Water suddenly said. She had woken up from her distracted state.

“Too many people die?” Deacon Bai laughed coldly, “Is that something we must consider?”

“Of course!” Deacon Water replied, “If the casualties are too high and the news spreads outside, people will scold Five Ring Money for being liars. How will we continue to do business? Why did we make the five rankings and organize the Bright Water Feast? So that people can scold us?”

The few of them kept silent.

They naturally knew about all of this, but they neglected this issue because it wasn’t their focus—or rather, they purposely ignored it.

To them, ordinary people weren’t lives but numbers they could use.

“Can we adjust the difficulty? Why not, we don’t let them go to those places? Deacon Ouyang asked Deacon Tong.

He shook his head. “Each region is open. After they enter the third region, they will face all these, and even we can’t control where they go. To adjust… Should we get them to the second region like us? But with their ability, is