Chapter 1079- No Yellow Ball
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1079- No Yellow Ball (Teaser)

The others naturally didn’t know Ye Zhongmming’s current thoughts, and they only discussed the mutated lifeform rankings.

No matter the time, a ranking would have objections.

Many people disagreed and said that strong mutated lifeforms in some places should be ranked in the top ten. Some mentioned mutated plants. Strong plants wouldn’t be weaker than these mutated animals. There were also people who said there would be many level nine beasts in the ocean, so this ranking was pointless.

Of course, some people felt it was decent. They used legends to prove the strength of the names on the list.

“Some mutated plants are strong, but to be honest, most of them are in the forests, and they are hard to find. Moreover, their crystals are hidden in their bodies. I think everyone knows this.”

Hearing the captain say that, the discussion sounds reduced and then disappeared.

“This world is too big, and we are too small, so we can’t know everything. We tried our best to complete the rankings, so don’t be too strict.”

A slightly older person said.