Chapter 1078- China's ten strongest mutated lifeforms
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Apocalypse Gacha Chapter 1078- China's ten strongest mutated lifeforms (Teaser)

Country rankings?

Many people moved towards that person and were very interested.

Country rankings were the most practical ranking of strength. Each job had its rankings, such as the top ten brands, five giants, three peaks, etc. There were first-rate idols, three kings, etc. Sports also had their rankings.

Each would attract a lot of attention. Some recognized rankings would become something of power. People would treat them as symbols.

Information was locked up in the apocalypse, and many people wanted to know what was happening outside. They also wanted to know their ranking among other survivors.

Such rankings were a mark for them. Although they couldn’t tell themselves who they were, they could tell how they were ranked.

Even Ye Zhongming was interested in such a ranking. This made him recall Ying City’s faction rankings. Bai Feng, Zhao Xingmei, and the others fought hard to get those rankings.

The captain was satisfied with the amount of excitement he caused. But after saying that, he continued driving the boat and said nothing